星期五, 十月 27, 2006

Live.com Beta for Mobile 开始测试

      来自 Live.com 开放团队 blog 的消息,无线手机版 live.com 已经进入测试阶段,您现在使用自己的移动设备进入 http://mobile.live.com/ 页面选取“Live.com Beta.”即可进入 Live.com Mobile 的测试页面,其中已经可以设置各 gadgets,包括天气,股票和占星等,当然也可以浏览 RSS feeds.同时 Live.com Beta for mobile 提供了 Windows Live Mail,Windows Live Spaces 等其他 Windows Live 服务的入口.

Live.com Beta for Mobile  Live.com Beta for Mobile

Since it's in beta, the team really needs your feedback to help create a better product. Give it a whirl the next time you are out and about with a little down time ? on a bus, in a waiting room, at a flight’s departure gate, virtually anywhere... and let the mobile team know your thoughts by using this form:


You can learn more about the beta at ideas.live.com and check out the team's blog at itsallmobile.spaces.live.com to find out more about what they're up to.
