星期二, 九月 19, 2006

MSN Soapbox 视频上传Beta 周二开始!

      我们在9月7日介绍过的MSN Soapbox又有新消息了,根据微软的雇员透露,代号为"Warhol"的用户上传机制将在明天开始,但目前还没有明显的更新迹象,Soapbox允许用户上传最多100MB的AVI, ASF, WMV, MOV, MPEG 1/2/4, 3GPP, DV 等文件格式.虽然它不是Live系列服务,但调用Live Passport是肯定的.



"It's really bandwidth efficient, you can "copy" the content locally to your own machine if you have the right tools (instead of using some proprietary wrapper around it like you do with Google), it's optimized to your network speed, and doesn't require any plug ins or anything."
访问:Signup for the Soapbox beta on Windows Live Ideas(貌似还有问题)
