星期三, 十二月 20, 2006

Soapbox 和 Messenger 整合

      今天 MSN Soapbox 团队启动了一个新的功能,Windows Live Messenger 的联系人之间直接播放视频文件,比起发送链接来要方便,有亲和力得多.以下是提供的使用方法.

This is how it works:

  1. If at any time you would like to watch a video with one of your Messenger contacts, just click on the "share" tab under a Soapbox Video and select "IM this video."
  2. Which then if you are already signed into Messenger, will prompt you to choose which contact you would like to watch the video with. If you are not signed in, you will be prompted to do so.
  3. Then after you have choosen the contact, and once the person has accepted your invitation - boom the Messenger Activity Window will launch, with the player in full view. You can now watch the video with your friends and chat about it, all at the same time.

Soapbox 和 Messenger 整合      当你在 Soapbox 上看到一段视频,想将它和你 Messenger 上的朋友进行分享的时候,只需要点击“share”标签并且选择“IM this video”即可。如果此时你登录了 Messenger,就会提示选择一位好友进行分享。当你选定了好友,并且好友接受了你的推荐,你就可以与你的好友同时在 Messenger 窗口里观看这个视频了,并且可以边看边聊。

Soapbox 和 Messenger 整合
