星期二, 十二月 19, 2006

安装 Windows Vista 可选功能

Windows Automated Installation Kit      Windows Vista 的可选功能可以有多种添加方式:使用 Windows 系统镜像管理器、使用 Package Manager 工具、OCSetup 工具或者手工使用控制面板修改。这次我们介绍管理员常用的 OCSetup 方式添加,这需要使用到命令提示行工具,以管理员方式运行 CMD。

      OCSetup 可以从 Windows Automated Installation Kit 下载得到,要使用到的命令如下:

Windows 功能 命令行名称 描述
Services for NFS ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly Network File System is a protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
 Games  InboxGames  Games that ship with the operating system.
 Internet Information Services  IIS-WebServerRole  Web server that provides a Web application infrastructure for all versions of Windows.
 Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications  SUA  Provides compatibility with UNIX-based applications.
 Telnet Client  TelnetClient  Client for the terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks.
 Telnet Server  TelnetServer  Server for the terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks.
 TFTP Client  TFTP  Simple form of FTP with no security features.

ocsetup.exe [/?] [/h] [/help] component [/log:file] [/norestart] [/passive] [/quiet] [/unattendfile:file] [/uninstall] [/x: parameter]

参数 描述

/?, /h, /help

Displays help for all options when run with or without options.


The name of the component to be installed or uninstalled. The component name is case-sensitive.

/log: file

Specifies a non-default log file location.


The computer is not rebooted even if required after component installation.


Unattended mode. Progress only.


Quiet mode. No user interaction.

/unattendfile: file

The file contains overrides or additions to default configuration settings. Implies passive mode.


Uninstalls the component. Installation is default.

/x: parameter

Additional configuration parameters to be applied when installing a component.

      例子: OCSetup IIS-WebServerRole /Log:%temp%IIS.log /norestart /quiet

      运行时没有 UI 界面,可能会有些慢,需要耐心等待。同样,这个方法也可以运用到 Windows Longhorn Server 的角色上。
